Battle Arena Toshiden 2

Battle Arina Toshiden 2: 

Enter the codes below when the Options are sliding across the title screen: 

1.On Controller 1 press R1, L2, X, L1, R2, O. This will turn the cursor blue (it is normally 


2.Let the demo start (you don't have to watch it) 

3.When the title screen appears again, enter O, R2, L1, X, L2, R1 on Controller 2 

Play as Uranus & Master 

1.Beat the 1-player game on Level 4 

Or if you have the Japanese version... 

1.When the words fly onto the title screen, on controller 1 enter L1, L2, T, R1, R2, S 

2.Go to the Character Select screen and hold Select to slow down the icon 

Play as Vermillion & Sho Shinjo 

1.Defeat the 1-player game on Level 5 


1.At the Title Screen press L1+L2+R1+R2+Triangle+Square on Control Pad 1 

2.On Control Pad 2 do the exact same thing. 

3.To use them go to the Question Mark box, press and hold Select till they cycle slowly 

4.Press X on the one you want. 

Remove Meters 

1.Pause the game during a match 

2.Press and hold O, T, S, X and press "Select" twice 

At the Title screen press up, down, up, down, up + triangle to access the last boss. 

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