Battle Arena Toshinden 3

Battle Arena Toshinden 3

Access Hidden Characters

1.Put the game on level 0 difficulty and play through the
  entire game with each character. When you've finished   you'll have all the counterparts.
2.Change the game to level 5 (hard) and beat the game with Vermilion to add Sho to the character select screen.
3.Change the difficulty again to level 6 (very hard) and beat the game with Vermilion again to gain Abel.
4.Change the difficulty to level 7 (impossible) and beat the game with Abel to get Veil.
5.Finally, leave the difficultey on level 7 and beat the game with Veil to get a little girl named Naru. She has the same moves as Kayin.
Do not use any continues to get the 4 bosses!

Random Character Select

At the character select screen, hold L1 + L2 + R2 + R1 to choose a fighter at random.

Submitted By -- Atiba Purnell

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