Crash Bandicoot

Crash Banticoot 

This code was sent to me first by Venom!  People should take his example and send me codes!!! 

O = Circle 

X = X 

V = Triangle 

S = Square 

the super password for the game with every crystal and both keys is 

V V V V X S V V V V S X V O V V V O S V X X X X 

6% complete password OXSVOSSV 

11% complete password SSXSSVXV 

13% complete password XSXOXSVX 

18% complete password SSVXOOXV 

22% complete password OSSOOXXX 

here is Super Password for Crash Bandicoot. You get all levels, keys, gems etc..... when you enter it. Code: triangle, triangle, triangle, triangle, cross, square, triangle, triangle, triangle, triangle, square, cross, triangle, circle, triangle, triangle, triangle, circle, square, triangle, cross, cross, cross, cross this code was submitted from ~Webber~

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