DESTRUCTION DERBY Bonus Track (Monastery Ruins) Start a Wreckin' Championship with the name ----------- "REFLECT!" (without quotes). You can now select the track in practise mode (and only practise mode). This track is the "reward" for finishing 1st in the season. Unlimited Damage Enter "!DAMAGE!" as your name for unlimited damage ---------------- Number of Competitors Entering "NPLAYERS" as your name will allow you to --------------------- select the number of competitors you race against. Go to the track select screen (from the main menu) and after you select the track, you will be able to select the number of competitors. Time Cheat Select Total Destruction on the game menu. As soon as you start ---------- press the pause button and exit. You have to have 0secs on the time. This puts your name on the scoreboard with 566.?? secs. A bit pointless but it annoys your friends.