Jumping Flash
Clouds On the title screen, hold the four top buttons (L1,L2,R1,R2) and press
------ up or down on the Dpad to control the clouds' speed.
End Game Notes When you finish the game, you will be able to play the levels
-------------- again, with objects added, moved, and/or missing. It will also
be timed.
If you can manage to finish the game (not including extras) without
continuing you can play in "Super" mode which adds these extra controls:
* You can jump 6 times, instead of 3
* Pressing /\ will make you fall faster (and do more damage when landing on
* Pressing L1 or L2 will make you run fast (which will also make you jump
At the Jumping Flash title screen, press Up, Up,
Down, Down, X, X, Left, Right, Left, Right, X,
Triangle, X, Triangle. The color of the text box will
change from blue to reddish if you've entered the code
properly. Now start the game; when the World Map
appears, press Right repeatedly to skip to different