Easter Eggs
Code Effect JUICE Players move quickly whendesperate FIRE DRILL Players move quickly at all times HUMONGOUS Large players HORSEMAN No heads LOOK MA No hands BLIND REF No penalties BUSY REF Frequent penalties QUIET CROWD Quiet fans EQUAL TEAMS Offensive and defensive teams have equal abilities CREDITS View credits SHOW OFF When you dive, press JUMP to do a roll and keep running VIRTUAL POLYGONS Two-dimensional players (flat) JACKHAMMER Extremely hard hits LOUD MOUTH Commentator is loud LEECH Tighter coverage HATCHET Forearm shiver juiced NYSE Swim move is juiced REJECTION Defensive players jump higher TOAST Secondary playas farther off receivers FLEA CIRCUS Players are very small CPU DEFENSE Better computer defense CPU OFFENSE Better computer offense GD CHALLENGE Computer plays harder GLOVES Players catch more passes Can someone tell me what the codes below do? BETTIS BIG FOOT DEEP GRAY PSYCHIC THIN AIR WATERY AI Hidden Teams
While picking teams if you are first player push up to pick a super bowl team, if you want a all star team push up again at the player selection screen and scroll through by pushing L1 and L2. If you are second player push down to get to the Super Bowl teams and down again to get to the all star teams. Then scroll through the teams by pushing R1 and R2.