

10 Continues When you have three or less continues left, press U D R L 

------------ on the continue screen (with the alarm clock). 

99 Lives Enter X N B 9 F M ! Z 2 ? as the password. 


TV Screen To turn on the TV window, pause then press and hold down R2 while 

--------- you hit () () L () () 

Large Rayman Demo After the Ubi-Soft logo, press and hold L1, L2, R1, R2, 

----------------- Keep holdingthem down untill the animation of the brick 

wall and press and hold down start. When the screen goes black release. 

Access Bonus Intro 

Hold down L1, L2, R1, R2 X and the start button when the sony playstation 

logo is on screen. Keep all these held down till the game loads. 

Final Password 0 D 2 K V 7 W W M D 

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