RIDGE RACER REVOLUTION CAMERA TRICK when you are out of the driver's seat mode, pause the game and you can change the distance that you see the vehicle from. To do this, pause the game and hold down the triangle button. While holding the /\, use R1+L1 (not at the same time) to zoom in and out. Car 13, Kid Car, White Angel: beat the game getting first in the Novice, Advanced and Expert and than beat the same tracks in Time Trial Mode and if you beat the 2 cars you get the car for that track. For beating the Novice track you get Car 13, for beating the advanced track you get the Kid Car (very bad handeling) and for beating the Expert track you get the White Angel. Backwards Racing: To play backwards racing go up a little and turn around; speed up to 60 mph and you will go through the wall. Homing Laser: In order to get the extra cars, you have to kill all the ships at the begining of the game. Hold L1+R1+Dwn+select+Tri to kill all the ships with homing laser.