Raiden Project


Options Screen During gameplay, hold the top four buttons to bring up a 

-------------- screen which allows you to adjust the resolution and move the 

screen around to your liking, in addition to several other features. 

Unlimited Continues Press select during the Game Over countdown timer to 

------------------- receive full credits. 

Full Credits 

Hit the [select] button after dying (at the count down) to always keep full credits for continues. 

Go to the option screen where you can set your credit number, press triangle+circle+square+X 

at the same time and you'll get FREEPLAY. 

Mission Select 

1.Go to the 'Settings' menu and choose 'Difficulty' 

2.Hold down R1, R2, L1, L2 and press Start 

Powerup Pixie 

Watch for trees that are slightly off color, generally on the right side of the screen which stop 


fire. Once found get close to them and unload into them until an explosion releases a flying 


Capture her immediately. Don't know what immediate benefit the pixie is, but when you die she 


release power ups for you 

Demo Death 

During the demo you can press L1 and control the ship 

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