Total Eclipse


Commercial Unknown to some there is a Crystal Dynamics commerial on the 

---------- Total Eclipse CD. Just let the intro play once, then title screen 

comes up again. After that the Commercial will play. 

Planet #2 x o tri. sq. x x x sq. 

Planet #3 tri. tri. o x tri. tri. x sq. 

To get ten continues, planes and plasma shots. Start a game then pause it and click on options 

at the screen with play game and other options, press triangle, square, circle, square, triangle, 

square, L1, L1, R1. now press the picture to the right you sho 

uld see a skull. Now press triangle, square, L1, L1, square, triangle. the game will restart and 

you will have ten continues, planes, and plasma shots. for a stage select go to the options menu 

in total eclipse go down to password and hold down select and 

press triangle, L1, square, then release select and press triangle, L 

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