Tekken 3

Tekken 3
Fight as Kuma:
Complete arcade mode once.
Fight as Juila:
Complete arcade mode with two characters.
Fight as Gun Jack:
Complete arcade mode with three characters.
Fight as Mokujin:
Complete arcade mode with four characters.
Fight as Anna:
Complete arcade mode with five characters.
Fight as Bryan:
Complete arcade mode with six characters.
Fight as Heihachi:
Complete arcade mode with seven characters.
Fight as Ogre:
Complete arcade mode with eight characters.
Fight as True Ogre:
Complete arcade mode with nine characters.
Fight as Panda:
Highlight Kuma at the character selection screen and press Circle.
Fight as Tiger:
Highlight Eddy at the character selection screen and press Triangle.
Fight as Doctor Boskonovitch:
Complete Tekken Force Mode four times (collect the bronze, silver, gold
keys, then complete that mode one final time). Defeat Doctor Boskonovitch
when he appears to have him available on the character selection screen
under arcade mode.
Fight as Gon:
Complete arcade mode using Doctor Boskonovitch. Then, select arcade mode and
press the D-pad off either side of the character selection screen.
Alternatively, defeat Gon under "Ball mode".
Information in this section was contributed by Hendy Kartono.
Beach ball mini-game:
View all endings of the ten base characters to enable the "Ball Mode"
Theatre mode:
Unlock each character, including Panda, Tiger, Doctor Boskonovitch, and Gon,
and view their endings. The "Disc" and "Sound" options under "Theatre Mode"
will now be available.
Alternate introduction sequence:
Complete the game with the ten base characters to view an alternate
introduction featuring the characters in their two-player mode costumes. For
another alternate introduction, complete the game with all characters
including the secret characters.
Alternate costumes:
Play as the desired character the indicated number of times. Then, highlight
that fighter on the character selection screen and press Start: Xiaoyu's
(fifty times), Jin (fifty times), Anna (twenty-five), Gunjack (ten).

from count_dracula@msn.com