Twisted Metal 2


More wepons and unlimited ammo, INFANITE TURBO AND POWER BELT AT FULL

hold down fire and machine guns and press U D L R R L D U

and eternal life (invisable) while holing down the select weapon push UDLRRLDU

Submitted by

Homming Naplam --first you must have 2 or more naplam then scroll through your list and keep it on the naplam,then hold down the fire button and press up,down,down,left,left,left,right,right. Better Machineguns --hold down on the machine gun button and press up,down,left,right,right,left,down,up Sell Your Soul Trick --you will need some weapons in your weapon supply.When your life is down,just press,down,up,right,left,up,up,down,down.If it is down correctly Sell Your Soul will appear.

Sumbitted by :

Play as Minion At the Character Select screen press L1, Up, Down, Left Play as Sweet Tooth At the Character Select screen press Up, L1, Triangle, Right Liberty in a Bikini! 1.In the New York Big Leap stage shoot the Statue of Liberty untill the torch lights up, and then shoot it untill it explodes 2.You will see her in a bikini! Extra Tracks Enter at the Character Selection screen: Rooftop: D,L,R1,D Jet Moto: U,D,R,R1 Cyburbia: D,U,L1,R1
Advanced Attacks: Freeze : L,R,U Napalm : R,L,U Jump : U,U,L Shield : U,U,R Rear Attack :L,R,D Mine Attack : R,L,D Cloaking : R,D,L,U To do Minion's special with any car(I'm not sure if this works) While playing enter up, down, up, up, R2 and your character will shoot minion's special(you must have full special's to do this) MINION CODE: At the car select screen press L1, U, D, L and he is yours!!! SWEET TOOTH: At the car selection screen, press up, L1, Tri, Right Jet moto background: At 2 plr track, select: up, down, right, R1. Rooftops: down, left, R1, down. D,U,L1,R1 = Cyburbia Level. AT TRACK SELECT!!(I wonder if there are anymore old tracks!) U,D,L1,R1 = Mona Lisa Code. CAN'T GET THIS TO WORK! If you can get this to work E-mail me! R1 = Random Car Select. Press R1 at the vehicle selection screen to randomly choose your ride. ADAVANCED TECHINQUES!!! HERE IS THE NEW ADVANGED TECHNIQUE: WHEN WITHOUT AMMO: L,R,D,L,R,U WHEN WITHOUT AMMO: L,R,D,R,L,U You will shoot a backwards freeze! L,R,U = Freeze Blast (blue ball, slightly homing) R,L,U = Napalm (just like the normal pick-up weapon) U,U,L = Jump (self-explanatory) U,U,R = Shield (the green dome of protection; lasts 3 seconds) L,R,D = Rear Attack (fires the currently selected weapon behind your vehicle) R,L,D = Mine Attack (drops one whammo mine) R,D,L,U = Cloaking Device (renders your vehicle invisible for 3 seconds) THERE ARE SUPPOSED TO BE 20 so there are many more and if you find any: E-mail me! ALL THE LEVEL codes: Axel Moscow - X /\ X X _ _ Paris - O /\ [] _ /\ _ Amazonia - /\ /\ [] O O _ New York - _ /\ [] [] X _ Antarctica - X X /\ [] /\ O Holland - O X O /\ O O Hong Kong - /\ X O X X O Dark Tooth - /\ [] /\ [] _ [] Grasshopper Moscow - /\ X O _ _ _ Paris - X /\ O [] [] O Amazonia - _ X O O /\ O New York - O /\ X O _ [] Antarctica - X [] [] O _ /\ Holland - /\ /\ X [] O /\ Hong Kong - O [] [] O X /\ Dark Tooth - X _ X [] [] _ Hammerhead Moscow - _ /\ X X X _ Paris -_ X /\ [] X /\ Amazonia - /\ _ _ _ X O New York - /\ /\ X /\ X X Antarctica - /\ X /\ O X [] Holland - /\ [] [] X [] _ Hong Kong - O /\ O [] [] /\ Dark Tooth - O O O _ /\ X Mr.Grimm Moscow - /\ /\ X X O _ Paris - O X /\ O /\ X Amazonia - X O O /\ /\ /\ New York - /\ _ _ O X O Antarctica - O /\ X /\ X _ Holland - X X /\ _ O X Hong Kong - _ X O /\ [] [] Dark Tooth - _ [] /\ O O /\ Mr. Slam Moscow - X X /\ [] X _ Paris - X _ _ O X [] Amazonia - O /\ [] _ [] X New York - /\ X O [] _ O Antarctica - /\ _ /\ O /\ /\ Holland - _ O _ _ O _ Honk Kong - [] _ _ /\ _ /\ Dark Tooth - [] _ [] /\ O X Outlaw 2 Moscow - _ X O _ /\ _ Paris - /\ /\ X O /\ _ Amazonia - /\ [] [] [] /\ _ New York - O X /\ /\ /\ _ Antarctica - X /\ O X /\ _ Holland - X [] [] _ /\ Hong Kong - _ /\ X [] X X Dark Tooth - _ O X _ /\ _ Road Kill Moscow - O X /\ [] [] _ Paris - /\ _ /\ _ _ O Amazonia - X X /\ O [] /\ New York - O _ _ X _ X Antarctica - _ /\ [] X O _ Holland - X _ _ /\ _ [] Hong Kong - /\ /\ [] /\ O /\ Dark Tooth - /\ O X /\ [] X Shadow Moscow - [] _ _ /\ /\ _ Paris - X /\ X [] O /\ Amazonia - X X O _ /\ X New York - X _ _ X O [] Antarctica - O X O O X O Holland - O /\ [] /\ [] _ Hong Kong - O _ /\ _ [] X Dark Tooth - O /\ _ /\ O _ Spectre Moscow - O /\ X X /\ _ Paris - _ /\ [] O O X Amazonia - O X /\ [] /\ X New York - _ X O X X /\ Antarctica - X _ _ _ O /\ Holland - /\ _ _ [] X [] Hong Kong - X /\ X /\ O [] Dark Tooth - X O O O _ /\ Thumper Moscow - O _ _ /\ X _ Paris - X [] [] O O /\ Amazonia - /\ X O _ [] _ New York - X X /\ /\ X /\ Antarctica - /\ /\ [] _ _ _ Holland - X /\ X _ [] /\ Hong Kong - /\ _ _ [] /\ _ Dark Tooth - /\ _ [] [] X O Twister Moscow - X _ _ /\ O _ Paris - /\ X O O X /\ Amazonia - _ /\ [] X [] O New York - X /\ X O X _ Antarctica - O _ _ X [] /\ Holland - _ X X _ _ O Hong Kong - X X /\ X [] _ Dark Tooth - X [] _ [] /\ O WartHog Moscow - /\ _ _ /\ [] _ Paris - /\ [] [] [] X [] Amazonia - O [] [] O X X New York - X [] [] _ X O Antarctica - _ X O /\ _ [] Holland - /\ X /\ [] _ X Hong Kong - O X /\ O _ O Dark Tooth - O,[],__,O,O,[]

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