wipEout XL

WipeOut 2097/XL : 

(RAY's CHEATS PAGE, see links page!) 





To enable the following cheats, keep L1 + R1 + "select" pressed down anywhere in the menu. 

Piranha ship: X X X X O T S 

Phantom Class: T T T O O O 

Track Cheat: S O T O S (Enables you to race all tracks on Easy level) 

These codes are enabled by pausing the game and holding down L1 + R1 + "select". 

Mini Gun: S O X S O X T (This transforms Wipeout to a shoot'em up) 

Infinite Energy: T X S O T X S O 

Infinite Weapons: X X S S O O T 

Infinite Time: T S O X T S O X 

password 4 the access 2 the arcade challenge 1 


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