Fazor Review
When people think of Shooting games for the PlayStation, many think
"When are they going 
to come out with one?"  Well, although Project Horned Owl and Die Hard
Trilogy are the 
only ones, there is already a light gun out.  Mad by Mad Catz, most
famous for their 
steering wheels, this lightweight gun sure does make its mark (Okay, bad
pun, I know)!  
Its sleek, is light, and it looks spiffy!  It has one of the best optic
systems on the 
market (Which many mags have stated)!  You can really tell, too!  I used
it for 
DHTrilogy and lordy lordy does it work wonders!  Since DH2 didn't have a
for it, I had to use what has already "pre-installed."  Oh was it ever
clear and right 
on the dot!  Unlike Konami's Enforcer, this gun doesn't have a barrel,
so it has a 
sight, which works small miracles!!!  It has a start button on it, two
special buttons 
(one on each side so its compatible with "lefties" and "righties."). 
And of course, it 
has a trigger button.  Another neat thing with this accessory is that it
has a phone 
type jack in which you can hook up a PlayStation plug or a Saturn plug
(YUCK!).  So, if 
you're looking for a good lightgun, this is it!!!
Design: 5/5
It fights your hand nice, and isn't too bulky!
Durability:  5/5
This little monster will last a lllooonnnggg time!
Performance:  5/5
Best lightgun I've ever laid my hands upon!
Other Recommendations: Nothing compares to this!!!

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