I need all the help I can get to make this page the greatest. If you are interested in helping me, please review the open jobs.
WEBMASTER -- Devin Gray
President -- Devin Gray
Vice President --
Co- Vice President --
This person assists me with the problems of other surfers. In a sense he/she is a liason. If you want to do this job you will need to answer questions, and help me decide what do to. Hope to hear from you...
Senior Newsletter Writer -- Massoud Adibpour
This is a very new job. This person receives submissions from other people from the staff as well as users. This person then will edit and paste the submissions, and add new updates into a newsletter. Then he/she will send it to me for final inspection. Hopefully we will release a newsletter every month or week if we need to... To subscribe to the newsletter Click Here.
Newsletter Writer #1 --
Just a writer. You will send your pieces to me or the Senior Newsletter writer.
Newsletter Writer #2 --
Same as above.
*if you really want to write, but don't want a "job". Just e-mail me your ideas or passages. Thanks.
HTML Specialist --
If you think you know alot about HTML, and think you could contribute to my page by helping with the HTML, please apply for this job. I will give you the special instructions for this job, if you are accepted.
2nd HTML Specialist --
Same as above
3rd HTML Specialist --
Same as above
Senior Code Locator -- Atiba Purnell ( 10 + codes )
This job will probably change from one person to the other depending on the number of codes he/she has turned in. The more codes you have, the higher your rank.
Assistant Code Locator -- ( 7 + codes )
Same as above...
Jr Code Locator -- ( 4 + codes )
Same as above...
Senior Review Writer -- Voltran ( 10 + reviews )
This job, much like the code locators, will change. But a review writer is a much harder job. You must write a review about a certain game, including price, rating , ect. Goto reviews for some ideas.
Jr Review Writer -- ( 5 + reviews )
Same as above...
1st Advertiser -- ( 7 + links )
This job very important. The adveriser is in charge of publicity. If you apply for this job, know my address:
Your job is to make my site known. Get my site on as many link pages as possible. Whenever you make a link, tell me and your rank will improve.
2nd Advertiser -- ( 4 + links )
Same as above...
Nintendo 64 Staff --
I don't have a nintendo 64. So I will need alot of help with this page. Visit the developing Nintendo 64 site. What I really need for this page is codes. If you got codes, please send them here.
If you want to apply for a staff job, please use the form below:
If you find it to impersonal to send a form, you can write me at: and include all of the questions above. Thanks
I hope to be hearing from all of you. If you are accepted you will recieve your job description, a list of jobs to do, and other instructions from me. Have fun!
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